Monday, July 16, 2007

18 month update

We are officially finished all shots until he is 5 years old! Great news to Elliot. We had his 18 month appointment today (I can't believe he is a year and a half old). He now weighs 22.4 lbs and is 30.75 inches. He is in the 10th %-tile and 15th%-tile respectively. The ped. is happy with his weight and does not need to see him for any more weight checks. He looked at his teeth again and said they are definitely there, but who knows when they will come in. He has been drooling more lately and waking up in the middle of the night so I think they are coming soon. We go to see the allergist on Sept. 17th, unless I can get an appointment sooner. It will be nice to know exactly what he is allergic to so we can completely avoid those foods, instead of guessing and still having an allergic reaction. He is officially a walker. He is a very cautious kid and did not want to walk unless he could do it perfectly, without falling. He went from crawling to a very steady walker in about a week. One day he decided to stand up and walk all around the house, he hasn't stopped since. He is still unsure outside but once he gets comfortable, there is no stopping him.

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