Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Update part 2

So that's the medical update. Now for the developmental update (the fun stuff). Elliot weighed in at 9 lbs. 10 ozs. last week so he is gaining weight at a nice pace. He is smiling all of the time and making more definined noises (gurgles, sweaks, etc.). He is also feverishly trying to suck his thumb. When he gets his hand (or hands) out of the swaddle they go right to his face and he mushes them around trying to get something in his mouth. Soon he'll realize that he needs to ball up all of his fingers EXCEPT his thumb and then he'll be in business. He has gotten the thumb a few times. He is also getting stronger and may be close to being able to hold his head upon his own. He is recognizing sounds too. The other day he was on the changing table and the mobile in the crib was turned on (it plays music) and he turned his head in that direction to see what was going on.

I guess that's everything that is fit to print for now.

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